Z Energy
Z Energy NZ Oil Distributors
Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent.
Available from all New Zealand oil distributors as detailed below.
Points available on Caltex oils and lubricants only.
Contact your local distributor to see if you qualify (terms and conditions apply).
To enquire about earning points, select your region below.
How to collect points with Z Energy
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Find a location:
Auckland (Auckland Oil Shop)
- Phone: 09 525 0830
- Address: 120 Penrose Road, Mount Wellington, Auckland, 1060
- Email:
- Opening Hours:
Canterbury-Nelson & Marlborough (Heavy Diesel Parts & Services)
- Phone: 03 348 8170
- Address: 276 Main South Road, Hornby, Christchurch, 8042
- Email: info@hdps.co.nz
- Opening Hours:
East Coast (Eastland Oil & Engineering Supplies Ltd)
- Phone: 06 867 4661
- Address: 5 Tupaea Street, Awapuni, Gisborne, 4010
- Email: eastlandoil@xtra.co.nz
- Opening Hours:
Filter HQ
- Phone: 09 430 0395
- Address: 56 Rewa Rewa Rd, Whangarei 0110
- Email: sales@filterhq.co.nz
- Opening Hours:
Lower North Island (Diesel & Turbo Wellington)
- Phone: 04 568 9218
- Address: 63 - 65 Waione Street, Petone, Lower Hutt, 5012
- Email: info@dieselandturbo.co.nz
- Opening Hours:
Otago (McKeown Group)
- Phone: 03 433 1022
- Address: Waterfront Road, South Hill, Oamaru, 9400
- Email: sales@mckeown.co.nz
- Opening Hours:
Waikato & King Country (K & L Distributors)
- Phone: 07 849 2943
- Address: 409 Te Rapa Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton, 3200
- Email: hamilton@kandldistributors.co.nz
- Opening Hours:
Western BOP & Coromandel (K & L Distributors)
- Phone: 07 574 3001
- Address: 138 Totara Street, Mount Maunganui, Tauranga, 3116
- Email: tauranga@kandldistributors.co.nz
- Opening Hours:
West Coast (Westland Engineering Supplies)
- Phone: 03 768 5720
- Address: 10 Boundary Street, Greymouth, 7805
- Email:
- Opening Hours: